Tuesday, February 1

7:00pm CST

Organic Certification 101
Tuesday February 1, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm CST
Join us for an evening virtual workshop. We will hear from a representative from Pro-Cert about first steps in transitioning your farm to organic, then there will be a chance to ask questions from the panel of certified organic vegetable growers. This session is presented in collaboration with Manitoba Organic Alliance (MOA).
avatar for Catherine Carroll

Catherine Carroll

Pro-Cert Organic Systems
Catherine is a Certification Specialist with Pro-Cert Organic Systems. She works with our organic producers, gluten free producers, aquaculture clients, and Regenerative Organic (ROA) clients. Catherine has been with Pro-Cert since February 2021, but has been a contract inspector... Read More →
avatar for Justin Girard

Justin Girard

Justin Girard, together with Britt Embry, stewards 30 acres of Treaty 1 Territory near Elie, Mb. Though best known for their certified organic market garden, their current interest is in cultivating a perennial food-scape for the next generation to enjoy.
avatar for Dennis Hoeppner

Dennis Hoeppner

Oak Valley Vegetables
We are organic farmers from Morden Manitoba, and are grow vegetables for the local market and organic alfalfa seed export.  I am also a member of IOIA (International Organic Inspectors Association), PODF (Prairie Organic Development Fund).  I am also passionate about international... Read More →
avatar for Brendan Grant

Brendan Grant

Sleepy G Farm
Brendan Grant farms with his wife Marcelle Paulin outside of Thunder Bay Ontario on the north shore of Lake Superior.  With 8 acres of Certified Organic vegetables, Sleepy G Farm feeds 250+ families through a CSA program that runs from July until March.  As a first generation farmer... Read More →
Tuesday February 1, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm CST
Wednesday, February 2

7:00pm CST

Working Farm Relationships
Wednesday February 2, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm CST
This session will provide attendees with an overview of a range of working relationships that are possible on farms, from seasonal interns to part-time fruit pickers to foreign workers. Panelists will share their knowledge and experience to provide best practices for successful hiring, retaining and welcoming back farm workers.
avatar for Mike Kozlowski

Mike Kozlowski

Steel Pony Farm
Mike Kozlowski from Steel Pony Farm has been market gardening and providing families in Central Alberta with chemical-free produce since 2011. He is a self proclaimed soil worshiper who feels a deep sense of awe about ecosystem function, soil biology and plant metabolism. He pursues... Read More →
avatar for Ingrid Reuvekamp-Been

Ingrid Reuvekamp-Been

Visa2Canada Immigration & Settlement Services
Ingrid is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant and member in good standing with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants, CICC# R509784 She is also licensed to be engaged in foreign worker recruitment in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. They assist... Read More →
avatar for Lydia Carpenter

Lydia Carpenter

Luna Field Farm
Lydia Carpenter farms cattle, hogs and hens with her partner and young child in southwest Manitoba.  As first generation on the farm she and her partner built their farm business up from grazing land leases, custom grazing and direct marketing. She is interested in farm business... Read More →
Wednesday February 2, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm CST
Thursday, February 3

9:00am CST

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Thursday February 3, 2022 9:00am - 9:15am CST
Conference Welcome: Elder Audrey Logan; Hon. Derek Johnson, Minister of Agriculture; Brian Mayes, Councillor- City of Winnipeg, Chair of the Winnipeg Food Council; Phil Veldhuis, President Direct Farm Manitoba 
Thursday February 3, 2022 9:00am - 9:15am CST

9:15am CST

Treaty Land Sharing Network
Thursday February 3, 2022 9:15am - 10:15am CST
The Treaty Land Sharing Network is a grassroots group of farmers, ranchers, and other landholders in Saskatchewan who have come together to begin the work of honouring treaties. In the spirit of sharing the land, they welcome Indigenous people to hunt, harvest, and practice their lifeways on the land that they farm. In this session, co-founder Valerie Zink will share the vision of the Treaty Land Sharing Network and how it formed, as well as some of the lessons members have learned
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Valerie Zink

Treaty Land Sharing Network
Valerie Zink is a co-founder of the Treaty Land Sharing Network, a grassroots group of farmers, ranchers, and other landholders in Saskatchewan who are working to honour treaties by welcoming Indigenous people to hunt and harvest on the land that they farm. She is a settler from Treaty... Read More →
Thursday February 3, 2022 9:15am - 10:15am CST

10:30am CST

Virtual Trade Show: Assiniboine Community College, ECO CERT, Fireweed Food Co-op, MASC, NFU, St. Norbert Farmers' Market
Thursday February 3, 2022 10:30am - 11:30am CST
Join us for the Direct Farm Marketing Conference Virtual Tradeshow. The 2022 Virtual Tradeshow will give attendees the chance to mingle with our tradeshow presenters and other conference attendees. The tradeshow will take place in our 'Wonder Space'- simply click the link below and enter your name and picture (if desired) and drag your icon to tradeshow booths, or into other discussion circles to join in. Have questions? Visit the info booth. Having trouble using Wonder? Email [email protected]
Thursday February 3, 2022 10:30am - 11:30am CST

2:00pm CST

Fluxing: Diversifying your farm income
Thursday February 3, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST
avatar for Kris Antonius

Kris Antonius

Awaken Herbs
Kris Antonius is an educator, community space creator, and recent herb farmer. She has a longtime passion for creating community spaces and projects that foster connection with others, with nature, and with a slow and mindful way of life. This is the foundation of everything that... Read More →
avatar for Lourdes Still

Lourdes Still

Masagana Flower Farm & Studio
Lourdes Still is the creative behind of Masagana Flower Farm & Studio, a small-scale flower farm and dye studio near La Broquerie, Manitoba. At this immigrant Filipina-lead small business, Lourdes places her priority on sustainable growing practices. She grows seasonal blooms, dye... Read More →
avatar for Anna Hunter

Anna Hunter

Long Way Homestead
Anna Hunter is a first generation sheep farmer and wool mill owner in Eastern Manitoba. In 2015 Anna, her husband Luke, and their two sons sold their yarn shop and moved to Manitoba with the desire for a deeper connection to the source of their food and clothing. In 2018 they established... Read More →
Thursday February 3, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST

2:00pm CST

Market Gardening Pricing Panel
Thursday February 3, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST
How do you determine your prices as a market gardener? How do you balance the different prices with your market sales and other sales channels?

Join our panelists as they discuss the ins and outs of how they manage pricing.
avatar for Brendan Grant

Brendan Grant

Sleepy G Farm
Brendan Grant farms with his wife Marcelle Paulin outside of Thunder Bay Ontario on the north shore of Lake Superior.  With 8 acres of Certified Organic vegetables, Sleepy G Farm feeds 250+ families through a CSA program that runs from July until March.  As a first generation farmer... Read More →
avatar for Stefan Regnier

Stefan Regnier

Blue Lagoon Organics
My wife Lauren and I manage a certified organic mixed farm. We use pasture raised laying hens, broiler chickens and turkeys for sustainable nutrient management that feeds our vegetables, which we sell through a CSA, year round farmers' market and direct sales.
avatar for Jeff Veenstra

Jeff Veenstra

Wild Earth Farms
Jeff Veenstra is the owner of Wild Earth Farms with his wife Janna. They grow over 100 varieties of vegetables, fruits and herbs on 20 acres north of Oakbank, Manitoba. The farm has grown from a half acre garden to a small farm over the course of ten years. They now supply many local... Read More →
Thursday February 3, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST

7:00pm CST

Farm Transition Cafe
Thursday February 3, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm CST
How we steward the transition of farm land and businesses from one generation to the next is going to have a major impact on the future of agriculture and the food system. Join us for a participatory discussion and chat with fellow farmers about the opportunities and challenges of farm transition.
avatar for Melisa Zapisocky

Melisa Zapisocky

Young Agrarians
For Melisa, food is a great teacher and connector to people, and the land. Under the guidance of many mentors, she has had the good fortune to work in a variety of ag-related positions that have covered a wide spectrum of learning and living, from experiencing and contributing labour... Read More →
avatar for Dana Penrice

Dana Penrice

Young Agrarians
Dana Penrice is the Prairies Program Manager of Young Agrarians which is working to grow the next generation of regenerative farmers in Canada. In Manitoba, YA provides programming for aspiring farmers to gain on-farm training through apprenticeships and it provides e-learning to... Read More →
Thursday February 3, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm CST
Friday, February 4

9:00am CST

Content Marketing: Telling and selling your farm story
Friday February 4, 2022 9:00am - 10:00am CST
Gelaine’s work involves helping small businesses and purpose-driven entrepreneurs elevate their online storytelling to reach passionate audiences and create meaningful, positive change. Join us in this session to learn more about the power of sharing your farm’s story!
avatar for Gelaine Santiago

Gelaine Santiago

Gelaine Santiago is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker, writer and content marketer who has spoken internationally on stages across North America. She believes storytelling is a form of activism and helps marginalized founders and creatives scale their brands with content. Gelaine... Read More →
Friday February 4, 2022 9:00am - 10:00am CST

2:00pm CST

All About Flowers: The ins and outs of flower farming
Friday February 4, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST
Join Lourdes and Jodi as they talk about how they got started in flower farming, the joys and challenges they have encountered on their journeys, as well as practical information on growing and marketing flowers.


Miss Millie's Flower Farm
Not only a trusted employee and close friend, Victoria is now part of the family as of July 2020 marrying Jodi’s son Kirby. Coming to the farm with little to no experience in growing, tending and harvesting flowers, Vic proved to be a quick learner in the field; all the while finishing... Read More →
avatar for Lourdes Still

Lourdes Still

Masagana Flower Farm & Studio
Lourdes Still is the creative behind of Masagana Flower Farm & Studio, a small-scale flower farm and dye studio near La Broquerie, Manitoba. At this immigrant Filipina-lead small business, Lourdes places her priority on sustainable growing practices. She grows seasonal blooms, dye... Read More →
avatar for Jodi Friesen

Jodi Friesen

Miss Millie's Flower Farm
We are a family run flower farm located 30 minutes west of Winnipeg. We provide a calming place to wander amongst the flowers, cut your own fresh bundles, enjoy the views, take photos and relax amongst the serenity of nature. We also provide high quality, locally grown flowers to... Read More →
Friday February 4, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST

2:00pm CST

Drought Resistant Pasture Management
Friday February 4, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST
Pam has spent the last 6 summers working at the MBFI research farm north of Brandon, Manitoba in researching and determining the differences between a planned grazing vs. continuous grazing system. This applied research continues to be a highlight on the farm with its value coming from the increased resilience to more extreme weather conditions, better productivity and most importantly continued and improved economic returns.

Join Pam as she shares about her research. This session will also feature two local farmers, Cameron Hodgins and Katie McInnes, who will also share about their pasture management strategies on their farms. 

avatar for Cameron Hodgins

Cameron Hodgins

Hodgins Farm
Cameron, his wife Lisa and four kids from Lenore MB, own and operate Hodgins Farm. They have a cow/calf & yearling operation as well direct market multiple products from their farm.  They have been using AMP Grazing for the last 15 years and have seen the benefits to the land, livestock... Read More →
avatar for Katie McInnes

Katie McInnes

The Dogs Run Farm
Katie and Colin McInnes are first-generation farmers who have been growing and raising food since 2013. They raise grass-fed lamb, pastured pork and poultry and make handmade soap on their farm near Clearwater, MB on Treaty One Territory.
avatar for Pamela Iwanchysko

Pamela Iwanchysko

Livestock Specialist with Manitoba Agriculture
Pam Iwanchysko has been a Livestock Specialist with Manitoba Agriculture for the past 25 years based in Dauphin, Manitoba. She received her BSA at the University of Manitoba and her MSc at the University of Saskatchewan. Her passion for agriculture developed at a very young age growing... Read More →
Friday February 4, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST

7:00pm CST

Happy Hour: Managing our farms in a changing climate
Friday February 4, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm CST
Grab a beverage and some snacks and mingle with your fellow farmers! We will also have an opportunity to  discuss the challenges of our changing climate and the ways we are adapting on our farms.
Friday February 4, 2022 7:00pm - 8:30pm CST
Saturday, February 5

9:00am CST

Farm/Life Balance: the balancing act (keynote)
Saturday February 5, 2022 9:00am - 10:00am CST
Balancing our time on the farm isn't easy. In this session Shannon will discuss how can we take care of ourselves as farmers & business owners so we can be there for the people that need us.
avatar for Shannon Hayes

Shannon Hayes

Sap Bush Hollow Farm
Shannon Hayes is the chef and CEO of Sap Bush Hollow Farm, LLC in the northern Catskill mountains of upstate New York, which she works with three generations of her family.  She is the author of several books, including The Grassfed Gourmet Cookbook, Long Way on a Little, Radical... Read More →
Saturday February 5, 2022 9:00am - 10:00am CST

12:00pm CST

Agricultural Photography
Saturday February 5, 2022 12:00pm - 1:00pm CST
Agricultural Photography takes into consideration our unique industry and home and can include photos taken out in our fields, of our livestock, farm yards, families and the food we produce. But how do we capture and translate what we see with our eyes to our potential customer, consumer or support people?

Join Christel Lanthier from Ferme Fiola Farm as she shares tips and tricks with growers on how to share their vision, and execute those clear sharp looking photos of your farm, and farm products, using equipment you already have!


Christel Lanthier

Ferme Fiola Farm
Christel Lanthier is one half of Ferme Fiola Farm, a small holisiticly managed and regernerative farm in South East Manitoba, on Treaty one Territory. Having a very small family farm means diversifying, and not only in grown products. Christel applies her past Fine Art education to... Read More →
Saturday February 5, 2022 12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

12:00pm CST

Hybrid High Tunnels/Passive Solar Greenhouses
Saturday February 5, 2022 12:00pm - 1:00pm CST
For year round fruit and vegetable production that operates with lower operational management and budgets.

Hybrid High Tunnels provide affordable options that give farmers flexibility in crop production and management. They can increase yield and quality of crops, reduce the risk of crop damage and losses, reduce fossil fuel energy and improve feasibility and sustainability for small scale farmers in a local food production system. Join Dr. Sajjad Rao from Assiniboine Community College as he shares his knowledge on hybrid high tunnels.

avatar for Sajjad Rao

Sajjad Rao

Assiniboine Community College
Dr. Sajjad Rao: Research Faculty, Agriculture and Environment, at Assiniboine Community College. Dr. Rao holds a PhD degree in plant science from The University of Liverpool, England U.K. In his professional career, he made significant contributions in developing new crop genetics... Read More →
Saturday February 5, 2022 12:00pm - 1:00pm CST

2:00pm CST

Direct Farm Manitoba Annual General Meeting
Saturday February 5, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST
Saturday February 5, 2022 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST
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