A Betta Con has ended
strong>Intro [clear filter]
Thursday, February 29

3:00pm PST

What is a betta?
Thursday February 29, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PST
Betta splendens is one of the most popular fish in the hobby. As such, it's been extensively bred and there are now many variants of bettas available. Join in to learn a little about the history of bettas and find out what the difference between a half-moon and a veil-tail is!
avatar for Brennan Framer

Brennan Framer

Starting as a volunteer helper in his local fish store, Brennan has gained vast experience with a wide range of aquatic species whilst working his way up to becoming a fish store owner himself.
Thursday February 29, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm PST

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