Argo: ADMT 21 (virtual) has ended
The Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) Meeting is a time for the data managers who contribute to international Argo to come together and discuss technical matters pertaining to the Argo data stream. The 21st Argo Data Management Team meeting will be hosted virtually during the week of 29 November – 4 December 2020.

This online schedule is provided as a convenience for all three meetings:
  1. DAC (part 1)
  2. BCG-Argo
  3. ADMT
Friday December 4, 2020 14:00 - 14:45 UTC

  • Update on NAVIS and ARVOR metadata, WIGOS-ID Action 53 ( get group to help work on this) (M. Belbeoch) (10 min) - presentation
  • GADR status (T. Boyer) (15 min)  - presentation - Actions 59 and 60 – submitted report with short summary
  • ARCs – submitted reports from each
  • ARC status and report on role of ARCs as envisioned by EuroArgo (M Donnelly) 10 min) - presentation
avatar for Matt Donnelly

Matt Donnelly

Data Scientist, NOC - British Oceanographic Data Centre
avatar for Tim Boyer

Tim Boyer

Oceanographer, NOAA - NCEI
avatar for Mathieu BELBEOCH


Lead/Manager, OceanOPS (WMO/IOC)
Friday December 4, 2020 14:00 - 14:45 UTC
Online (via Zoom)
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