Argo: ADMT 21 (virtual) has ended
The Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) Meeting is a time for the data managers who contribute to international Argo to come together and discuss technical matters pertaining to the Argo data stream. The 21st Argo Data Management Team meeting will be hosted virtually during the week of 29 November – 4 December 2020.

This online schedule is provided as a convenience for all three meetings:
  1. DAC (part 1)
  2. BCG-Argo
  3. ADMT
strong>ADMT Day #2 (Thu: Dec 3) [clear filter]
Thursday, December 3

13:00 UTC

Thursday December 3, 2020 13:00 - 13:50 UTC
  • Update on cell thermal lag and alignment (K. Martini) (10min) - presentation
  • Update on status of high salinity drift CTDs (J. Klinke) (10min) - presentation
  • Report from working group on how to dmode high salinity drift CTDs and monitor the impact on the fleet(J. Gilson and B. Klein) (10 min) Action 47 - presentationspreadsheet
avatar for Kim Martini

Kim Martini

Senior Oceanographer, Sea-Bird Scientific
avatar for Jochen Klinke

Jochen Klinke

Director of Science, Sea-Bird Scientific
avatar for John Gilson

John Gilson

Specialist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
avatar for Birgit Klein

Birgit Klein

Chair, Euro-Argo ERIC Management Board, BSH
Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2129-3335
Thursday December 3, 2020 13:00 - 13:50 UTC
Online (via Zoom)

13:50 UTC

Deep Argo
Thursday December 3, 2020 13:50 - 14:00 UTC
  • Flagging of Deep Argo data and cpcor correction coefficients in real time and delayed mode (V. Thierry) (10 min) Action 44 - presentation
  • Consider how to refine deepest pressure test (RT test 19) or decide not to apply this test (?) Action 42
Thursday December 3, 2020 13:50 - 14:00 UTC
Online (via Zoom)

14:00 UTC

Thursday December 3, 2020 14:00 - 14:20 UTC
  • Update from Argo-RBR working group (S. Wijffels) (10 min) - presentation
  • Field-based validation of dynamic corrections for the RBRargo³ CTD (M. Dever) - presentation
avatar for Susan Wijffels

Susan Wijffels

Senior Scientist / AST Co-Chair, WHOI
avatar for Mathieu Dever

Mathieu Dever

Research Scientist, RBR
Thursday December 3, 2020 14:00 - 14:20 UTC
Online (via Zoom)

14:20 UTC

Other delayed mode issues
Thursday December 3, 2020 14:20 - 14:50 UTC

DMQC improvements as part of EuroArgo-RISE (C. Cabanes) (10 min) - presentation - cookbook (draft)
BODC Python conversion of the Matlab OWC toolbox (K. Walicka) (10 min) - presentation
Updates to Matlab OWC (C. Cabanes, A. Wong) (5 min) - presentation
Dmode of trajectory files (M. Scanderbeg) (5 min) - presentation
avatar for Kamila Walicka

Kamila Walicka

Marine Data Scientist, BODC
avatar for Annie Wong

Annie Wong

Research Scientist, University of Washington
avatar for Megan Scanderbeg

Megan Scanderbeg

ADMT Co-Chair, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Thursday December 3, 2020 14:20 - 14:50 UTC
Online (via Zoom)

14:50 UTC

Delayed mode monitoring at AIC
Thursday December 3, 2020 14:50 - 15:10 UTC
M. Belbeoch - presentation

- Monitoring percentage of suspicious floats that have been dmoded based on lists of high priority floats including:
  • Floats on altimetry warning lists from N. Verbrugge
  • Floats in fast salinity drift CTD serial number batches
  • Floats on MinMax warning list & OA comparison list from Coriolis
- Monitoring dmode operator(s) for each float in AIC database, including core and BGC variables (Actions 48, 52)
- Orphan float management
avatar for Mathieu BELBEOCH


Lead/Manager, OceanOPS (WMO/IOC)
avatar for Nathalie Verbrugge

Nathalie Verbrugge

Research Engineer, CLS
Thursday December 3, 2020 14:50 - 15:10 UTC
Online (via Zoom)

15:40 UTC

DMQC ref database
Thursday December 3, 2020 15:40 - 16:00 UTC

  • CTD_for_DMQC - update (to be prepared jointly by Christine, Steve, and Tim) (10 min) Action 54 - presentation
  • Introduction of cleaned up GO-SHIP database for Deep Argo (Sarah Purkey) (10min) - presentation
    • Is this data a subset of CTD_for_DMQC?  Can it be flagged as such in CTD_for_DMQC?
avatar for Sarah Purkey

Sarah Purkey

Assistant Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
Sarah Purkey is an oceanographer at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (UC San Diego).Dr. Purkey studies the ocean's role in the climate system, particularly the mechanisms and impacts of ocean heat uptake.Her work involves measuring changes in ocean temperature and salinity... Read More →
avatar for Christine Coatanoan

Christine Coatanoan

Data Management Engineer, Ifremer
avatar for Tim Boyer

Tim Boyer

Oceanographer, NOAA - NCEI
avatar for Stephen Diggs

Stephen Diggs

Sr. Reseach Data Specialist, University of California Office of the President
ORCID: 0000-0003-3814-6104https://cchdo.io
Thursday December 3, 2020 15:40 - 16:00 UTC
Online (via Zoom)
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